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Midjourney - нейросеть для создания изображений

Добавлено 04 июня 2024

3D текст в Midjourney

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3D текст в Midjourney 3D текст в Midjourney 3D текст в Midjourney 3D текст в Midjourney



3D text "ваш текст" made of [описание элемента], on a light [цвет] background, in vibrant colors, in the style of a cartoon, with simple shapes, in a flat design, as digital art, bright color scheme


Пример 1

3D text "Books" made of open books, glasses, and bookmarks, on a light yellow background, in vibrant colors, in the style of a cartoon, with simple shapes, in a flat design, as digital art, bright color scheme


Пример 2

3D text "Camping" made of tents, lanterns, and pine trees, on a light green background, in vibrant colors, in the style of a cartoon, with simple shapes, in a flat design, as digital art, bright color scheme


Пример 3

3D text "Space" made of rockets, planets, and stars, on a deep blue background, in vibrant colors, in the style of a cartoon, with simple shapes, in a flat design, as digital art, bright color schem


Пример 4

3D text "Surfing" made of surfboards, waves, and palm trees, on a light turquoise background, in vibrant colors, in the style of a cartoon, with simple shapes, in a flat design, as digital art, bright color scheme

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